Galt Toys Connect

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Year: 1969

Manufacturer: Ken Garland and Associates

Model: L543

Designer: Ken Garland

Dimensions: 31cm x 23.5cm x 3cm


Made in: England

This is a larger version of Connect. The tiles are significantly bigger than those sold in the tin or later versions. They are roughly 62mm square.

The Connect game was commissioned by Galt Toys in 1969. Ken Garland and his team spent a lot of time testing the games with families to get it right. This concept was new to Galt, who traditionally just produced games and would then move forward with whatever games sold well. During testing, it was discovered that the game could end in a tie if two children had the same amount of cards left over. One child suggested that in this case, the younger one should be declared the winner – and that made it into the rules.

*Also appears in the 1969-1970 Creative Playthings Catalog.